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"Ultimate" Package


This package is designed for non UK residents who wish to keep their names confidential. UK residents can also use this package if they don't wish to supply their own address for company registration purposes. All official post (from tax office and company registrar) will be redirected to client's contact address specified in the order form. You do not need to provide details of Director and Secretary in the order form unless you wish to have more than one Director or Secretary. If you also require Nominee Shareholder, please, select "Nominee Shareholder" in the order form or use "Maximum Package".


Company Type: UK Company Limited by Shares


This package includes the following items:


  • Nominee Director (including Power of Attorney)
  • Nominee Secretary
  • Registration Address in London (details)
  • Company Documents in Paper Originals (make sure to specify delivery option in the form)
  • Tax Office (HMRC) Registration for Corporation Tax
  • Registration Certificate in pdf. format
  • Memorandum and Articles of Association in pdf. format
  • Company Authentication Code (details)
  • FREE UK Telephone Number Setup (details)
  • Online Order Tracking
  • FREE UK Bank Account (details) if you need one (UK Residents Only)
  • Merchant Account to let you accept Credit Cards, details, (UK Residents Only)



Package Price

1550 GBP


About address included in this package:


This package includes Registration Address service. This meant that we will supply you with  valid UK address that will be your company official registration address. Our Registration Address service offers very good value for money service and also includes redirection of all official post to you. Official post includes correspondence from UK company registrar and UK tax office but does NOT include business correspondence like invoices, bills, letters to your company or other non government post. If you wish to receive usual business correspondence, you need to also subscribe for General Mail Forward service. Please, select "Add General Mail Forward Service" in General Business Mail Address and Mail Forward section of the order form and we will redirect all business correspondence to you as well as official post.


About Nominee Director:


This package includes Nominee Director and Nominee Secretary service. After your company is registered you will receive all company documents as per above list and also Power Of Attorney from Director as well as Agreement for Nominee Services. Your name (beneficiary name) will NOT appear as a company director, however may be visible under Persons with Significant Control section, depending on circumstances. The Power of Attorney will let you act on behalf of your company and open bank account(s). When you open bank account, the authorised user of account will be yourself and our Nominee Director will have NO access to your bank funds and information. If you also need us to provide Nominee Shareholder, please, specify in the order form.


Documents required from client:


As part of KYC (know your client) procedure and with accordance to Money Laundering Regulations, because this package includes Registered Office Address, we need to collect the following Due Diligence documents from all Beneficial Owners of your company TO BE RECEIVED BY US WITHIN 14 DAYS FROM REGISTRATION of your company.


  • Copy of photo ID (i.e. passport, ID card, or photo driving license) certified by either Notary, Lawyer, Bank Manager, Accountant or Family Doctor;
  • Copy of proof of residential address (i.e. utility bill or bank statement) certified by either Notary, Lawyer, Bank Manager, Accountant or Family Doctor;
  • Beneficial Owners Declaration filled out and signed (download form here).


Additional Items:


In the order form you will be able to add items in addition to those that are included in the package. The price of any additional items is clearly marked in the order form and will be added to your total bill. You will be able to see the list of ordered items, price of each item and total price of the order before you proceed for final confirmation. Should you wish to remove any items, just click on "Back" button and amend your order before proceeding.


The following items can be ordered in addition to those included in your package:


General Mailing Address, Nominee Shareholder, Certificate of Good Standing, Paper Set of Documents, Apostiled Set of Company Documents, Embassy Certification of Documents, Rubber Stamp, Pliers Seal, Corporate Kit, UK Bank Account, EU Bank Account, HMRC (Tax Office) Registration, VAT Registration, Delivery Option.




Please, note that you need to select appropriate delivery option at the bottom of the order form. UK delivery is free. Non UK delivery option needs to be selected depending on your delivery address (contact address).




Every year your company needs to submit Annual Return to company registrar and Annual Accounts to HMRC and company registrar. Please, let us know if you need our help with filing requirements. Our current fee for Annual Return is 80 GBP, Annual Accounts (dormant company) 120 GBP, Annual Accounts (active company) from 400 GBP.